Profile of Law Office


Who we are

Bahrul Ulum & Partners is a Law Office established in January 1st 2009, it is one of the law office dedicated its knowledge in legal services in Non-litigation and litigation to the client as individually,  company and organization that needs the legal solution objectively based on the Indonesian Legal System.

In many   cases,  we serve our client due to our expertise and  experiences and give  the best approach solution   for our clients

Be the best law office in litigation and corporate  services  


1.    Enhance the legal resource  and contributed on the concept for law enforcement in Aceh
2.  Giving the legal advice objectively and  handling the legal problem faced by client  based on the Indonesian legal system in litigation and non litigation services

Area of Practices
Our legal expertise composed of,
  1. Law of commerce and business dispute
  2. Contract dispute
  3. State administrative law
  4. Labor law
  5. Land law
  6. Forest law and plantation
  7. Procurement law  
  8.  Economic Syaria Law  
  9. Constitutional Court law
  10. Mining Law
  11. Construction Law
  12. Capital investment law 

Case Handling Experience/Litigation services
  1. Lawsuit  of Acts Against the Law
  2. Law suit of dispute of agreement in civil court
  3.  Lawsuit of tender/procurement  in the State Administrative  Court and Civil Court
  4. Lawsuit of land ownership in the Civil Court, State Administrative Court
  5. Several special criminal  cases, such as corruption, forestry, and banking
  6. Law suit inheritance 

Legal Services

 Corporate - Non Litigation

Legal services to the client  at investigation, prosecution and court level

1. Contract Drafting (Joint Operations, Infestation etc)
2. Mediation & Negotiation
3. Legal Audit
4. Legal Opinion
5. Company Establishment, Foundation, and Cooperative

Profile of Founder  

   Bahrul Ulum, S.H., M.H.  C.L.A 
(Certified Legal Auditor), C.M. (Certified Mediator)

   The founder and the owner of the law office, act on behalf of the law office as the managing partners and also as a lawyer. Some  experiences related to the legal works were comprised of:

1.   Trusted as the legal consultant and one of lawyer team  on behalf of  the Government of Aceh (Since January 2009-recently), the task is to review the Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Agreement which was conducted between Government of Aceh and Foreign agency and investor, providing the contract drafting, legal opinion, and legal advice to the legal office of Government of Aceh, to act due to of power attorney and on behalf of Government of Aceh for some cases and disputes along with the Legal Office of Government of Aceh, some cases has been handled such as land dispute, contract dispute and  state administrative dispute.

2.    Contracted  as National legal Advisor  with GTZ-AGSI-Aceh Governance Stabilization Initiative (from January 2008 to May 2009), the role is to assist the project implementation on implementation of law governing of Aceh (LoGA) to advise the project implementation in legal aspects, provided legal opinion, MoU and contract drafting.

3.    Partner/contracted with Zaini Djalil Law Office as one of team for Medco E&P in handling some cases and consultation of legal problem of Medco activity in Aceh

4.  Bahrul Ulum  has followed  the Legal Auditor education conducted by ASAHI-Indonesian Legal Auditor Association  and having a certificate as Mediator from  Indonesian Mediation  Center which  have accreditation with Supreme Court  

  1. Government of Central Aceh
  2. Legal  Office of  Government of Aceh
  3. Watu Gede Company/Palm oil company
  4.  Murar Timber World Company
  5. Disaster Management Agency Government of Aceh
  6. Suzuki Indomobile Sales Company-Jakarta
  7. State Government Employees of Indonesia of Aceh Province
  8. Environmental Impact Management Agency of Aceh Government
  9. Santai Sumur Tiga Sabang Company
  10. Araz Mulia Mandiri Company
  11. Persons
